How to Lose Weight When You Have NO Free Time

Looking to lose weight but you just don’t have time to spend hours at the gym or prepping food for your week? It’s a common problem, but fortunately there are plenty of healthy ways to drop pounds in a hurry without the hassle. Keep reading and we’ll go over the 7 best!

Lose weight when you have NO free time! 7 healthy ways to drop the pounds that don't require hours in the gym or prepping food. Easy to start. Find out all 7 quick diet tips in this article!

Take Dressing On the Side: Having a salad is a wonderful, tasty way to watch your calories. But the smart choice you made by having a salad can quickly be ruined by absolutely dousing the whole thing in your dressing.

Ask for your dressing on the side (don’t worry, it’s a common request). When you want some, just dip your fork into the dressing before sticking it into your salad. You’ll use much less and save a huge amount of calories, while still getting the taste.

Opt for Dark Chocolate: If you have an irresistible sweet tooth, don’t fight it — learn to make it work for you! Rather than having milk chocolate, have a small bit of dark chocolate when your cravings strike.

Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants, and researchers have found that is more filling than milk chocolate, meaning you’ll eat less. Prevent yourself from overindulging by breaking off a small piece to enjoy, and putting the rest away before you start snacking.

Do “Micro” Workouts: “I don’t have time to workout.” You’ve probably said this before, and maybe yes, you don’t have time to go to the gym or head out for a run all the time. Still, there are little bits of free time during the day in which you could have quick, micro-workouts.

Everyone has 30 seconds to a few minutes of free time during the day, so use that time to up your metabolism so that you’ll continue to burn more calories even when you’re done. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as you’re being active.

For example, if you’ve got something in the microwave for a minute or the commercials have just started, try seeing how many burpees you can do in that time. It’s easy to get started because you know it will be over very soon, and you can challenge yourself to do more each time.

If you haven’t done burpees before, don’t worry you’re not alone. This video will show you how to do them even if you’re just a beginner:

Lay Out Clothes the Night Before: Do you keep telling yourself you’ll go workout tomorrow morning, but then morning hits and you’re tired and well… it just doesn’t happen? Everyone’s been there — the trick is to start with one foot already out the door.

Put a reminder in your phone telling you to lay out your clothes the night before a workout. If you’re planning on exercising later in the day or will change at the gym, place your clothes (and everything else you’ll need) in a bag right by the door so you can’t possibly forget them!

Put the Fork Down Between Bites: Scientists have determined that it takes your stomach up to 20 minutes to get the message to your brain that you’re full. So you can probably see how eating in a hurry will frequently lead to overeating, which obviously leads to weight gain.

Take time to enjoy pleasant conversation or something nice to read during your meal by placing your fork down between every bite. Even if you’re not reading or talking this will cause you to eat slower, giving your brain plenty of time to catch up and preventing you from eating too much.

Watch Out for “Health” Foods: Eating the right things is the most important factor when it comes to losing weight. Hours upon hours in the gym will be worthless if you’re not consuming the right foods, and taking in the right amount of calories each day.

So you’re probably feeling pretty good when you say no to a bag of chips and instead have a protein bar. Unfortunately, many foods you see marketed as healthy these days are absolutely not. Ignore the labeling and instead pay attention to the nutritional content on everything you eat.

Eat Your Veggies: Nutrition researcher John Barban has long been known for his focus on the inherent differences between men and women when it comes to getting results from diet and exercise. He recently started emphasizing what he calls the “5 wonder veggies for women.”

Studies showed that when women added these common vegetables to their diet their metabolisms (and as a result, weight loss) increased significantly, regardless of the woman’s lifestyle or body shape. Learn the 5 veggies in this video (1:05 mark) that explains how it works.

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Lose weight when you have NO free time! 7 healthy ways to drop the fat that don't require prepping food or spending hours in the gym. Easy to begin. Find out all 7 fast diet tips in this article!

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